Ptpl Ll Custom Logstrip

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This PTPL was created by Wes a.k.a Millu a.k.a HidanThis1

Versions tested in:2
[✅] 2020.1

[✅] 1.12.2
[✅] 1.14.4

Known Bugs:

How to use:

Log Stripper procedure template created by Wes a.k.a Millu a.k.a HidanThis
Procedure gives you option to allow your axe being used on your custom log
blocks to stripthem just like vanilla log blocks, it will also detect the direction
of your blocks so it will place them correctly and it will also deal damage to
your tool and play strip sound effect.Setup:Just bind this procedure to your
axe "Right Click On block" Trigger or on to any othe toolHow to add new Log Variants?

1. Create your log block
2. Create your Strip version
5. Create a Right Click Function for your Custom Tool
4. In the first If add else if and set your new log block
5. Recreate next if and fill out empty spaces with your stripped variant
6. Done, now your tool should be able to strip your new log block :)

On Right Click of your tool

In Game Preview:



Log Stripper Download PTPL

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